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 Rurban 그룹은 스마트 시티, 인프라 계획, 및 지속 가능한 개발에 전념하는 국제 컨설팅 회사입니다. Rurban 방식은 특화된 지식, 신흥 기술, 및 글로벌 비전을 최대화하여 전 세계 어느 곳에서든 각 프로젝트에 맞춤형 솔루션을 제공합니다.

Rurban Group is an international consultancy firm dedicated to smart cities, infrastructure planning and sustainable development. The Rurban way maximizes the strengths of specialized knowledge, emerging technologies and a global vision tailored for each specific project anywhere in the world.

Rurban Group es una firma de consultoría internacional dedicada a las ciudades inteligentes, planificación de infraestructuras y el desarrollo sostenible. La forma de trabajo de Rurban maximiza las fortalezas del conocimiento especializado,  tecnologías emergentes y una visión global adaptada a cada proyecto específico en cualquier parte del mundo.





Founder & Executive Director
MSc Urban Planner 

Ken Fallas is a licensed architect, urban planner and smart city specialist based in Seoul, Korea. He is a KGSP Alumni with a Master on Urban Planning by SeoulTECH and he is a member of the International Society of City and Regional Planners (ISOCARP). For almost a decade Ken has focused his work on international projects coordination for sustainable development, climate change resiliency, smart mobility and housing, capacity building and public-private partnerships for comprehensive urban operations, feasibility studies, benchmarking and funding identification in collaboration with government officials, private sector, multilateral banking, academia and community partners in South Korea, Southeast Asia, Latin America & the Caribbean.


Project Coordinator
MSc Urban Planner 

Aurora Echeverri is a Colombian Geologist turned into  an urban enthusiast,  an expert in Smart Cities, SDGs Implementation, Nature-Based Solutions and Urban Resilience.She is an alumni from EAFIT, Colombia and GKS-KGSP with a Master’s Degree in Urban Planning and Design from the University of Seoul. Aurora's background includes working with the Economic Development and Spatial Planning Laboratory at Seoul University and contributing to the Climate Change Mitigation Laboratory. Her extensive experience in both Latin America and the Asia Pacific region positions her perfectly to foster Rurban Group strong alliances with local governments, communities, and both private & public partners from emerging cities in establishing smart city projects, enhancing urban resilience, and implementing sustainable development strategies.


Senior Consultant - Smart City
MSc Computer Engineering 

Eduardo Jimenez has a Master's degree in Computer Science from the Technological Institute of Costa Rica and a degree in Systems Engineering from the National University of CR . He is a professor, international speaker and high level advisor on Information & Communication Technologies (ICT), Digital Transformation, and Smart Cities to public entities and local governments. With more than 40 years of experience, Mr. Eduardo was Director of Information and Communication Technologies in the Ministry of Science, Technology and Telecommunications of Costa Rica; Director of the Digital City Project in the Municipality of Cartago and a key part in the digital modernization of the Central Bank of Costa Rica where he developed a project of national interest for the International Monetary Fund through an analytical processing Data Warehouse to assist in the management control of monetary policy and internal debt to support decision making.


MSc Urban Planner 

Soumaya Ezazaa is a licensed architect and urbanist from Morocco. She holds a Master in Urban Planning and Design from the University of Seoul in South Korea and a bachelor degree in architecture from the ECOLE NATIONALE D’ARCHITECTURE (ENA) in Rabat, Morocco. Soumaya’s research and work experience during the past years has focused on projects in the private sector, international organizations such as UN Habitat and the GGGI, as well as academia where she bridged the gap between design theory and practical implementation across diverse urban development scales. Soumaya brings her extensive international experience on oversight & management of urban initiatives while supporting Rurban Group team to coordinate several projects with emerging cities and partners in North Africa and Asia.


Master Development Policy 

Loamy Chica is an expert on sustainable development, climate policy, and international relations. She has a Bachelor’s Degree in International Relations from Hankuk University of Foreign Studies and a Master’s Degree in Development Policy with a focus on Sustainable Development and Global Governance from KDI School of Public Policy and Management, South Korea. Loamy's professional journey has spanned multiple regions, from managing climate initiatives with Fuegos Foundation in Ecuador to representing youth at COP28 as an International Climate Delegate. She has cultivated her skills in project management and stakeholder engagement across diverse sectors, driving initiatives such as the Urban Futures project focused on transforming food systems and advocating for meaningful youth participation in global climate dialogues

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